
Edgecore Networks and Spirent Collaborate to Showcase DC Monitoring, Fault Isolation, and Automatic Issue Remediation Toolset Based on OCP’s OpenSource Device Management

Meeting the Requirement of Easy Management for Service Providers and Data Centers

Demonstrating the software together with Spirent in OCP Experience Center

OCP Global Summit – Edgecore Networks, the leader in open networking solutions, today announced a demonstration of datacenter troubleshooting capability built on OCP-based Hardware in collaboration with Spirent Communications. Leveraging the Edgecore-contributed OCP Device Manager monitoring and managing network devices, Spirent CloudSure solution can dramatically decrease the number of service outages by automatically identifying and remediating issues.

With the introduction of 5G mobile networks, the significant growth in bandwidth consumption has been driving an unprecedented level of expansion for existing network infrastructure. Consequently, service providers and hyperscale data center operators are looking at new ways to manage and resolve post-deployment operational issues within their data center infrastructure. Using Edgecore Device Manager these operators can quickly and painlessly deploy and manage their infrastructure components and reduce their DC support cost.

Edgecore Device Manager provides various functions, including asset management and device SW/FW updates, and offers an end-to-end DC management solution. As a part of its management activities, it also monitors the status of network device components (including PSU and fan modules, transceiver links, thermal sensors) as well as device operational aspects, such as resource usage (CPU, memory, storage) and network data transfer/error rates. Device Manager reports the collected data using OCP standard interfaces, and alerts operators on possible faults/instabilities to avoid failures in advance. CloudSure working together with Device Manager uses this data and many other system parameters, going through an extremely low overhead analysis cycle, and remediates a certain class of issues.

To implement the troubleshooting and remediation functionality, Edgecore’s Redfish® service monitors device telemetry data and alerts CloudSure for anomalies. CloudSure executes an advanced AI-based analysis, resulting in an automated fix (when possible), or a system-wide alert, instructing operators on how to fix the issue.

Larry Ho, Vice President of Software Engineering, Edgecore Networks, said, “Being the leader in open networking, Edgecore understands the importance of open possibilities, Edgecore Device Manager, a fully open-sourced standard implementation for tracking devices, collects and publishes networked device data, and enables Spirent CloudSure to proactively engage and manage networks. Through collaboration with such technology partners, Edgecore leads the industry with yet another way for innovation through standardization.”

At the OCP Global Summit 2021, Edgecore Networks and Spirent will demonstrate this network monitoring, alerting, and remediation toolset in both Experience Center and Edgecore Booth (C23), using Edgecore Device Manager software, monitoring OCP-Accepted switches and servers at a remote DC located in Taiwan.

Supporting Quote from Partners

Quoted by Jajeev Sharma, Software and Technologies Director

“Edgecore has made many significant contributions to OCP Networking Project over the past several years. We appreciate the newest contribution from Edgecore Networks, Device Manager, providing a uniform and easy method for network monitoring and management across all open hardware platforms.”

Quoted by Malathi Malla, Head of Go to Market Strategy & Operations of Cloud & IP at Spirent Communications

“Hyperscale and Cloud operators face considerable challenges to meet the most demanding performance, scale and high availability requirements for their networked products and services. To predict and address operational impediments, operators continuously look for state-of-the-art solutions to improve their infrastructure’s reliability. We are excited to collaborate with Edgecore on the ability to provide insightful telemetry for proactive troubleshooting, fault isolation, and remediation, thereby increasing the true value of open networking.”

About Edgecore Networks

Edgecore Networks Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Accton Technology Corporation, the leading network ODM. Edgecore Networks delivers wired and wireless networking products and solutions through channel partners and system integrators worldwide for Data Center, Service Provider, Enterprise and SMB customers. Edgecore Networks is the leader in open networking, providing a full line of open 1G-400G Ethernet OCP Accepted™ switches, core routers, cell site gateways, virtual PON OLTs, packet transponders, and Wi-Fi access points that offer choice of commercial and open source NOS and SDN software. For more information, visit www.edge-core.com.

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